Student Highlight-March 3

Weekly Update-Week of March 3

Start saving-the PTO coin war begins on Monday!

CNE Band Boosters 3rd Annual Spring Craft Fair is Saturday, March 22 from 9-3. Free admission!

February Rocketeers Grade 4-Nevaeh, Krystal, Eleanor, and Luke. Congrats!

So much fun in first grade!

More pics from first grade!

First Grade's Family Science Day is a huge success!

Student Highlight-February 28

Student Highlight-February 27

Student Highlight-February 25

Weekly Update-Week of February 24

Father/Daughter Dance info

Student Highlight-February 21

Student Highlight-February 21

CNE will run on a 2-hour delay today. (2/20). No AM preschool.

The CNE School Board will have it's February meeting tonight at 6:30 pm in the HS Commons. You can also watch it live by going to: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fC7jDW2HKQRWK_i7L098A

Save the date-March 12-15 CNE Drama will present The Wizard of Oz at Anderson Center Theater. Show times are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday at 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $15 each

Student Highlight-February 18

Don't forget about tomorrow's PTO Glow Skate Party at Beechmont Rollarena!