Here is your weekly update- 9/20/21.
Reminder: All parents picking up children by car after school must park at either the High School or the Middle School while waiting for the pick-up line to form.

Join us for Spirit Week 9/13-9/17. See details below. https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-elementary-school/article/530926

Let’s try this again! Weekly update 9/13/21 https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-elementary-school/article/531889

Here is your weekly update! Have a wonderful long weekend! https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-elementary-school/article/527401

Here is your weekly update for the week of 8/30/21. I loved seeing so many students dressed out in blue and gold on Friday! Go ES Rockets!
Check out the link to the update here https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-elementary-school/article/522802

Thanks for joining us at open house last night. We were so excited to see our families this week! Just four more days until school starts!

CNE ES staff celebrate 20-21 success at the opening day school celebration. Click the link below to see the details.

CNE ES staff celebrate 20-21 success at the opening day celebration! Click the link below for details.

Check out the back to school update. Class lists will be posted on the front doors on 7/30 at 3:00pm.

Reminder for parents with a Kindergarten student for the 21-22 school year.

CNE ES teachers hard at work extending LETRS training with Elizabeth Fessel!

Summer Enrichment reminder- If you signed up your child for our enrichment program the hours are 8:30-11:30 June 7th - June 11th you will receive details about all that we have planned early next week. You can also reach out to us with questions!

Updated Kindergarten farewell Mrs. Payne! https://www.wevideo.com/view/2208863067

Mr. Taylor’s farewell Kindergarten video! Enjoy! https://www.wevideo.com/view/2208694529

Mrs. Moore’s farewell video! https://www.wevideo.com/view/2208618650

Farewell Kindergarten video, Mrs. Payne’s class. https://www.wevideo.com/view/2207985099

Kindergarten farewell video! Mrs. Annis class. https://www.wevideo.com/view/2208300748

Here is your weekly update! Report cards will be sent home on the last day of school, Wednesday, 5/26. Yearbooks for sale 25.00, just stop buy to purchase. Remote students can drop off Chromebooks 9-2 next week. Have a great weekend!

This is teacher appreciation week! Please take a moment to tell your teacher that he/she is loved and appreciated! We love our CNE ELEMENTARY TEACHING STAFF!

Summer Enrichment Update- If you are signing up your child for the Summer Enrichment Program please use current grade level. We will double check all of the info when we create groups so don’t worry if you submitted the form with next years grade.