Student Highlight-October 24

Have you scheduled your parent/teacher conference? They're right around the corner!

Fourth and fifth grade Matrix Honorees

Student Highlight-Oct. 21

Reminder: Monday, October 21 is the fourth grade Glow Show at 7:00 p.m. Performers should be in the cafeteria by 6:30 p.m.

Weekly Update: October 21-25
Last week for Harvest for Hunger!

Last set of pumpkin patch pics from the K trip. Another gourd-geous day at Shaw Farm!

Who doesn't love the pumpkin patch?!?

Student Highlight

More Shaw Farm pics from the kindergarten field trip:)

Student Highlight

The kinders had a great time at Shaw Farm!

Second grade does the Monster Walk in music.

Student Highlight

Tonight's Skate Party is a Halloween Party! Costume contest tonight!!!

Skating Party at Beechmont Rollarena tonight!

Weekly Update: October 14- 18

Harvest for Hunger still collecting items to feed our community. Can you help?

Coming Soon: Boo Grams

Student Highlights-Dakota, Rowin, Hadley, Cayle, and Jensen