Book Fair help needed-https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49ADAE2FAAF4C61-52164889-cnefall#/

Today's student highlight-Everly!

Only 2 days left for the fundraiser-we are almost at goal! Let's do this!

Picture Retake Day is October 30 in the morning.

Help the hungry in our community with the Harvest for Hunger now through Oct. 24.

Student Highlight-Alaina G.

The end of the first quarter will soon be here...and so will digital report cards. If you prefer printed paper report cards, parents MUST return the form requesting a paper copy.

Weekly Update: October 7-11

CNE PTO Trunk or Treat info

Save the Date: The fourth grade Glow Show is on Monday, October 21!

Use the long weekend to raise money for our school!

Student Spotlight Link Update

PTO Skate Party: October 14 6-8:30 p.m. @Beechmont Rollarena

Reminder: No school for students on Friday, October 4.

Student Highlight-Ashley M.

To reach our fundraising goal, we need EVERY student to register online and add at least 10 contacts. Each student that gets registered will be entered to win from over 1,000 different prizes including Apple Air Pods, MacBook Pros, Visa Gift Card, a DISNEY WORLD FAMILY VACATION and more.
Get Registered NOW at: FundPrizes.com
Thank you for your support!

September Rocketeers-first grade

Reminder: Safety Reunification Drill October 3

September Rocketeers-fourth grade

The first round of Coops was passed out yesterday. Remember, Coops are only available during the first week of the fundraiser! Have you signed your child up yet?