Can you believe it? Where did the year go?

UPDATED: Weekly update 5/20
5th grade celebration on on 5/23!

Celebrating reaching the building reading goal of 25,000 books! Every student got to choose a free book!

Weekly Update

PTO meeting tonight!

It's Teacher Appreciation Week!

Weekly Update

Kindergarten nature walk.

First grade has a visitor.

Today we celebrate our wonderful bus drivers! Be sure to thank yours!

We hope to see you at the ART Festival and Talent Show this Thursday!

Weekly Update: April 22-26

Last day to register! The Smile Mobile Dentist will be in our schools April 29, April 30, May 1 , May 2, and May 3. Parents can sign-up online by going to: https://www.myschooldentist.com

Weekly Update: April 15

Save the date: Book Fair is next week! April 15-19 during library times

No School-Be safe if watching the eclipse!

Weekly Update: April 8-12

Tonight is the last skate party of the year! Hope to see you at Beechmont Rollarena!

Coming this weekend-CNE 2nd Annual Craft Show!

Weekly Update-week of April 1