Can you believe it? Where did the year go?
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School
last day of school
UPDATED: Weekly update 5/20 5th grade celebration on on 5/23!
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Celebrating reaching the building reading goal of 25,000 books! Every student got to choose a free book!
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Weekly Update
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
PTO meeting tonight!
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School
pto meeting
It's Teacher Appreciation Week!
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School
teacher appreciation week
Weekly Update
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Kindergarten nature walk.
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
nature walk
First grade has a visitor.
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
first grade visitor
Today we celebrate our wonderful bus drivers! Be sure to thank yours!
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
bus driver
We hope to see you at the ART Festival and Talent Show this Thursday!
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
art festival
Weekly Update: April 22-26
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Last day to register! The Smile Mobile Dentist will be in our schools April 29, April 30, May 1 , May 2, and May 3. Parents can sign-up online by going to:
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Weekly Update: April 15
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Save the date: Book Fair is next week! April 15-19 during library times
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
book fair
No School-Be safe if watching the eclipse!
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Weekly Update: April 8-12
11 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Tonight is the last skate party of the year! Hope to see you at Beechmont Rollarena!
12 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Coming this weekend-CNE 2nd Annual Craft Show!
12 months ago, CNE Elementary School
craft show
Weekly Update-week of April 1
12 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update