Place value war-a game that can be played at home to practice place value

CNE PTO monthly meeting Sept. 11 @6:00 in the elementary multi-purpose room.

Skate Night is next Tuesday, September 3 @Beechmont Rollarena from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Admission is $4.00 w/$3.00 skate rental. Speed Skates and Skate Mates are additional cost.

Fourth grade students creating a timeline of birthdays.

Weekly Update: August 26-30

Elementary students show their love in many ways!

Welcome Back!

The first day of school for CNE Elementary is 8/15!

Attention families,
Please help us make arrivals and dismissals as safe as possible. Take a moment to read over the morning drop off and afternoon pick up expectations and traffic patterns.
Read the article below

Open House/Meet the Teacher 8/13 5:00-6:30

Hello Rocket Families,
If you have a child in grades 1-5, you will receive their classroom teacher this Friday, August 2, ONLY if all their Final Forms are completed. You will know their forms are complete when you see all green.

It's coming!

Happy Fourth of July!

Free movie in the park tonight @ Gauche Park:)

Free activity: It's Pollinator Week at our local parks!

2024/25 school calendar

May was Mental Health Month, but we still love our mental health specialists in June too! Really all the months!

Free Food for kids every Thursday this summer. No child should be hungry!

School supply lists updated! https://clermontoh.sites.thrillshare.com/o/cne-elementary-school/page/supply-lists

Looking for free family fun this summer?