Place value war-a game that can be played at home to practice place value
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
p w
CNE PTO monthly meeting Sept. 11 @6:00 in the elementary multi-purpose room.
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
monthly meeting
Skate Night is next Tuesday, September 3 @Beechmont Rollarena from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Admission is $4.00 w/$3.00 skate rental. Speed Skates and Skate Mates are additional cost.
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Skate Night
Fourth grade students creating a timeline of birthdays.
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Weekly Update: August 26-30
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Elementary students show their love in many ways!
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
t n t
Welcome Back!
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
1st day
The first day of school for CNE Elementary is 8/15!
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
1st day
Attention families, Please help us make arrivals and dismissals as safe as possible. Take a moment to read over the morning drop off and afternoon pick up expectations and traffic patterns. Read the article below
7 months ago, T.J. Dorsey
Open House/Meet the Teacher 8/13 5:00-6:30
7 months ago, CNE Elementary School
open house
Hello Rocket Families, If you have a child in grades 1-5, you will receive their classroom teacher this Friday, August 2, ONLY if all their Final Forms are completed. You will know their forms are complete when you see all green.
8 months ago, CNE Elementary School
It's coming!
8 months ago, CNE Elementary School
back to school
Happy Fourth of July!
9 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Free movie in the park tonight @ Gauche Park:)
9 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Free activity: It's Pollinator Week at our local parks!
9 months ago, CNE Elementary School
pollinator week
2024/25 school calendar
9 months ago, CNE Elementary School
May was Mental Health Month, but we still love our mental health specialists in June too! Really all the months!
9 months ago, CNE Elementary School
mental health
Free Food for kids every Thursday this summer. No child should be hungry!
9 months ago, CNE Elementary School
free food
9 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Looking for free family fun this summer?
10 months ago, CNE Elementary School