Weekly Update

Save the date! February 29 is the next skating party!

The February PTO meeting is Wednesday, February 21 @ 6:30 p.m. at CNE Elementary.

Updated-Weekly Update

Thanks to all who purchased spiritwear, Clermont Northeastern Alumni raised enough money to make a donation to CNE Elementary!

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Spring Pictues Coming Soon!

Spring Litter Clean Up Logo Design Contest open to CNE students. Designs due May 8.

Happy 100th Day of School from Ms. Diener's class!

Weekly Update!

Weekly Update 1/22-/26

Save the date! Valentine's parties will be held on February 15. Times will vary according to grade level.

Due to forecasted weather, Winter Wonderland Literacy Event is CANCELLED for Thursday, Jan. 18. Plans are to reschedule at a later date.

Schedule your parent/teacher conference! Staff will be available on February 1 from 3:15-9:15 p.m. to discuss student progress.

Reminder: This Thursday is the Winter Wonderland Literacy Night (and much, much more)! PTO will have brown bag dinners available (hot dog, chips, and drink) for $4 cash or venmo, AND DJ Chris will be live at the snowball fight!

Weekly Update-Jan. 15-19

Winter celebration coming soon! When we get to 12,500 books read, every student will get hot chocolate and the opportunity to participate in other fun activities. Donations of styrofoam cups and hot chocolate mix happily accepted.

Weekly Update

Enjoy this last week of break! We will see everyone back at school on Monday, January 8.