Marble mazes with Mrs. Langdon-a-maze-ing!

Weekly Update

Holiday Spirit week is Dec. 18-22.

Weekly Update

Looking for a holiday treat for your favorite CNE Elementary staff member(s)? Check out this list of faves! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UuYkkS_UOlPJD_tMrZXPLTf9kzDkV7HeBufunpVPm1Y/edit?usp=sharing

Get your spirit wear in time for Christmas! Order online at https://cnealumni.spiritsale.com/products/index.html for Christmas delivery:)

Weekly Update

Swag sale order forms coming home today! Christmas orders must be turned in by Dec. 5.

CNE Swag Sale: Need new CNE gear? Orders can be placed online or sent to school with your elementary child. https://cnealumni.spiritsale.com/

Happy Thanksgiving from CNE Elementary!

Save the date: Tuesday, December 5. First grade holiday concert at 6:30

CNE Swag fundraiser coming soon!

weekly update

Honoring our veterans...

Save the Date: Skate Party-November 30

Weekly Update

Weekly Update:)

Have a safe and happy Halloween. Be extra careful if you're trick-or-treating! We will see you tomorrow morning on November 1.

Picture retakes are tomorrow, Nov. 1!