Wednesday, October 4 is Favorite Sports Team Day!

Tuesday, October 3 is Fall Flannel and/or Camoflage Day. Wear your favorites and mix or match!

He's back! The hairy monster candy collector is back in the school entry ready to gobble up any candy donations for the PTO trunk or treat on October 19.

Weekly Update-October 2-6

Lost & Found is full! If your child is missing an article of clothing (mostly sweatshirts) or lunchbox, have them check lost & found in the cafeteria.

Don't forget-no school for kids tomorrow or Monday!

Mrs. Moore's science classes explored the woods for producers, consumers, and decomposers so they could create their own food chains.

Weekly Update!

Picture retake day is November 1.

Congratulations to our Staff Members of the Month

Save the date! The Halloween Spooktacular Literacy Night is coming to CNE Elementary. Need another reason to come? It's the Scholastic Book Fair and Trunk or Treat!

Homecoming Spirit Week is coming!

Picture day is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20!

Weekly Update

Izabel purchased a spider costume for Ginger the Guinea pig, resident of the STEM classroom.

Congratulations to the staff and students at CNE Elementary who have worked hard to become a 4 star school!

Here's your weekly update!

Ms. Diener's kindergarten students practice their silent "reading" skills during Flashlight Friday.

Weekly Update: 500 books read!