Picture retakes are tomorrow, Nov. 1!

Weekly Update: October 27

Mr. Taylor's class goes to Burger Farm.

Harvest for Hunger runs through next week.

Harvest for Hunger begins Monday, Oct. 23.

Weekly Update 10/23/23

CNE Elementary PTO is excited to host our annual Boo Gram Fundraiser! Forms coming home soon!

The Spooktacular Literacy Night and indoor Trunk or Treat are busy!!!

See you soon at the CNE Elementary Spooktacular Ready Rocket event. We'll have spooky literacy activities in classrooms around the building, a pumpkin decorating contest, "trunk" or treat (in the cafeteria), and many more opportunities to celebrate the season:)

Book Fair is here! Students will shop during their library time. Those who forget money can make arrangements to shop when they bring their money. The book fair will be open on Thursday evening from 6-7:30.

Harvest for Hunger begins next week. It's our 18th annual Harvest for Hunger with donated items being shared with local food pantries who directly support CNE families as well as with CNE students directly in the form of power packs.

Weekly Update

Making s'mores while learning about energy transfer and designing solar ovens in fourth grade.

Go with the flow-how does electricity move in 4th grade?

Future electricians? Learning about electric circuits in fourth grade.

Volunteers needed for Trunk or Treat! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E44ACAA2EA7FEC52-44543287-trunkortreat

Weekly Update

Friday, October 6 is School Spirit Day! Wear your blue & gold!!!

Halloween Spirit is Thursday, October 5-wear black & orange or Halloween clothing. No costumes or face paint!

Wednesday, October 4 is Favorite Sports Team Day!