Congrats fourth grade May Rocketeers!

Congratulations to graduating seniors Jasmine King, Charlie Frey, Anna Best, and Lydia Huff, winners of the Clermont Northeastern Elementary scholarship!

Weekly Update

Second grade visited Raptors Inc and learned a lot!

A Lego party isn't complete without chocolate Legos:)

Ryan's pizza and Lego party:)

Fourth grader, Ryan Crawford saved up 500 PBIS points to give his class a Lego party!

Our kindergarten students had a great day at the zoo!

May the 4th be with you!

Thanks to the Borchers x2, Burbages, Wilsons, Dorseys, Fishbacks, Johnsons, Yeagers, Standrings, Stahls, and Bumpuses for the yummy taco bar to celebrate teacher appreciation day! The teachers certainly appreciated being appreciated!!!

More art show caricatures!

Fun with caricatures at the art show!

May is Mental Health Awareness month! So thankful for our mental health specialists!!!

Students practicing different ways to say hello: elbow bump, high five, and a fist bump! Good morning!

Congratulations to our April Rocketeers!

Weekly Update

CNE goes to the Special Olympics! Brings home gold and silver!!!

Weekly Update

Weekly Update 4/17/23

Fairy Godmother visited the kindergarten students with a butterfly surprise!