Fairy Godmother visited the kindergarten students with a butterfly surprise!

Thanks to Mrs. Distler, Mrs. Siefert, and Mrs. Wood as well as Mrs. JoAnn Adamsfor helping with this project!

It's time to dance through the decades at the mother-son prom on Saturday, April 22.

Scholastic Book Fair is April 17-21. Students will go to the book fair during their scheduled library times.

First grade field trip to the Cincinnati Nature Center-what a great day!

Save the date! Kindergarten graduation is coming!

Congratulations to the kindergarten Rocketeers for March!

Look at the awesome CNE ES teachers discussing how to integrate Writing Revolution strategies into daily instruction.

Great discussion in our Math PD! The team is learning how to include challenging and engaging tasks in daily lessons.

Happy opening day! Go Reds!!!

Fifth grade is the winner of the PTO fundraiser. They collected the heaviest amount of money-343.11 pounds! Congratulations! Thanks to all who helped support this fund raiser!

Thursday is agriculture day! CNE FFA will share their farm projects with K-5! Wear your barnyard best!

One more day left in the great coin collection challenge!

Weekly Update

The CNE Craft Fair has something for everyone! From baked goods to spirit wear, fancy soap, candles, you name it, it's probably here!

Investigating parachutes, building Rube Goldberg machines, and solving mysteries in STEM.

What a CHANGE from yesterday! Fourth grade is the new leader of the Great Coin Challenge!

We love March!

First grade is leading the pack so far with the total weight that counts for the BIG PRIZE!

Happy March!