Congratulations to our December Rocketeers!

Congratulations to November Rocketeers!

November and December Rocketeers were announced today! Congratulations to all of awesome Rockets!

Tomorrow is ugly sweater day!

Showing our Christmas spirit at CNE Elementary:)

CNEAA Youth Soccer sign ups coming soon.

There's "gnome" better place than first grade!

Snow people unite!

Feeling Grinchy!

Tomorrow is Hat Day based on the book, The Hat by Jan Brett.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 12/13 is Grinch Day! Dress like the Grinch or other character from How the Grinch Stole Christmas (no face paint, please).

Spirit Week begins today starting with Dress Like a Snowman Day!

Weekly Update

Christmas fun in kindergarten!

Weekly update-12/5

The art classes worked on turkeys during free time.

Weekly update

Coming to CNE Elementary December 5-9! More info to come!

Black Friday is a great time to get deals on school supplies. School supplies make great stocking stuffers and are useful too!