Thank you to all who have served!

Save the Date- December 15: Cookies with Santa for Kindergartners

Tickets now on sale for Seussical Jr.

Want to support CNE youth sports? Here’s one way!

Join Clermont Northeastern Elementary
in supporting our community by donating items to our food drive. All items will be shared with local food pantries and distributed to local families.

Weekly update

Order your yearbook now!

Monday, November 7 is Picture Retake Day!

Second Grade Parents: New Date!!!
December 6, 2022 @ 6:30
Holiday Concert

Yearbook Cover Design Contest-open to students of CNE Elementary. More info can be found on the Elementary news feed.

Second grade families-a holiday concert is in the works. Date TBD.

Weekly Update!

Weekly Update

Honor Roll-First Quarter
All As and/or Bs

Congratulations to all those who came to school EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Great turnout at the Literacy Spooktacular and Trunk or Treat tonight!

Spirit Week is next week-October 24-28!

Don't forget! Trunk or Treat and our Spooktacular Literacy Night are this Thursday, October 20!

The Scholastic Book Fair will be open all week! Students will shop during their library time. The Book Fair will also be open during the Spooktacular Literacy Night for family shopping.

Weekly update