Spirit Week begins today! Represent your favorite sports team!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Eli was picked up by the Principals Taxi today, he decided to add a passenger! 2 more chances to win a ride to class! Keep supporting our fundraiser, I am ready to sleep on the roof when we hit our goal
over 2 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
taxi for two
Weekly Update: 9/19/22
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Another Rocket hitching a ride in the Principals Taxi today!
over 2 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
principals Taxi 2
Reminder: Spirit Week is next week!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
spirit week
Sophia is the first winner of Principals Taxi! Keep supporting our fundraiser!
over 2 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Weekly Update: 9/12/22
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Happy Labor Day!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
labor day
So many great things are happening at CNE Elementary. Check out our Friday Reading Buddies! 4th grade students are mentoring 1st grade students while reading and discussing books.
over 2 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Friday Reading Buddies!
Weekly Update
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Homecoming Spirit Week is September 19-23. Join in the fun!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
spirit week
ATTENTION PARENTS On September 1 & 2 the church parking lot will be closed for repaving which may cause a traffic backup on Hutchinson Rd. We will do our best to keep the line moving; please be sure your student is ready to exit the vehicle! Thanks for your cooperation.
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Here's your weekly update!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Sign up for Boy Scouts!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Picture Day is Sept. 27. Makeups will be taken on Nov. 7. Here's the link to prepay for pictures: https://accessmyevent.com/GX5YW3.
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
picture day
A huge shoutout to the amazing staff at CNE Elementary School and our awesome PTO and parents! We are looking forward to a successful school year. Go Rockets!
over 2 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
22-23 1st day
We can't wait to see you today!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
happy 1st
Can't wait to see you at school tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
welcome back
We hope to see you at open house this afternoon!
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School
open house
Homeroom assignments have been emailed for students in grades 1-5. Kindergarten students will meet their teachers next week during kindergarten camp.
over 2 years ago, CNE Elementary School