CNE Youth Wrestling sign ups are Monday, October 17th and Thursday, October 20 from 6:30-8pm. All levels are welcome, but spots are limited.

Weekly Update

The Walkathon will be held during special area classes by grade level. When finished, students will get a small bottle of water and a bag of pretzels. Plan to dress for the weather! We have a great amount of helpers-thanks for all who donated and/or are volunteering!

Walk-a-thon is tomorrow! Be sure to dress appropriately!

Congratulations to the September Rocketeers!

CNE Elementary PTO is bringing back the skating party!
Monday, October 10 @ Beechmont Rollarena

Be sure to wear gym-appropriate shoes on Friday, Oct. 7 for the Walkathon!

Weekly Update

Great PD day with our Math Coach! We are learning about Number Talks! Shout out to staff for your deep thinking about instruction.

You did it! CNE ES Rockets raised $10, 054.60 for our school. I will happily sleep on the roof (with two school staff) to celebrate your amazing effort.

We are only $600 away from Mrs. Schmidt sleeping on the school roof! That means you've help us raise $9400 of the $10,000.00 goal! Tomorrow is the last day!

Save the date! October 20, 2022 is the first K-5 Literacy Night!

Tomorrow is picture day!

Rocket Pride!

Weekly update: 9/26-9/30

Wear blue & gold on Friday!

Buddy Conrad, ready to roll in the Principals Taxi!

One final ride in the Principals taxi. Congratulations Paisley!

Thursday is Country Western Day!

Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday!