Thanks from the PTO
You purchased 2,068 Pop It grams and 630 candy grams!

Let's go, Bengals!

Valentine fun in second grade.

Kingergartners draw tigers! Let's go Bengals!

Sam Hubbard Foundation and CNE fourth graders are winners! Thanks to all who donated to help fight hunger!

CNE Elementary staff loves the Bengals!

Weekly Update: No School 2/18 or 2/21

Love & Kindness Literacy Event
February 24

Everybody loves Gillis!

Where were the CNE staff the last time the Bengals were in the Super Bowl? While some weren't even born yet, others were just babies, in elementary school, seniors in high school, newlyweds, new moms, or in England. Take a look!

Orange you glad the Bengals are in Super Bowl LVI? Don't forget tomorrow is Black Out Day!

R-O-C-K-E-T-S! Let's go! Wanna go to cheer camp? Registration is now open.

Elementary Rocket Fans-which grade level will collect the most money to support hunger relief and Cincinnati Bengal #94? The competition begins tomorrow!

CNE PTO is selling candy grams ($.50 each) and pop it grams ($1.00 each) this week for delivery next week. Forms were sent home with students and will be available on the building website.

Reminder-this is conference week. Contact your child's teacher to schedule.

Enjoy your snow day ROCKETS! I hope you are wearing your Bengals gear at home today to show your support for the big game on Sunday!

White Out!

Although we are not able to have our Winter Wonderland Literacy & Math Event in person, we have added many wonderful resources on our Winter Wonderland webpage for you to enjoy with your family.

Last day of spirit week! Show your Rocket and/or your Cincinnati Bengal pride!

Second grade movie characters!