1st grade movie characters!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Movie character day in kindergarten!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
moore k
It's a White Out Thursday for tomorrow's spirit day. Wear all white if you dare!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
white out
Today's PTO meeting has been canceled. More information will be forthcoming when received.
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
CNE Elementary loves PJ Day! Can't wait to see all the neon tomorrow!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
pj day
Who doesn’t love a good pj day? CNE Elementary fourth graders certainly do!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
CNE Elementary showed our Bengal stripes!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
CNE students showed their stripes! Go Bengals! #showyourstripes
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
CAn't wait until next week's spirit week!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
spirit week
Celebrate a win for Cincinnati by wearing black and orange or your best Bengals' gear this Friday!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Can’t wait to see all those healthy, shining faces back at school tomorrow, Wednesday, January 19!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Due to staff illness, school will NOT be in session on Tuesday, January 18.
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Clermont Northeastern will be CLOSED on 1/14/2022 due to a sharp rise in staff and family illnesses. Reminder that Clermont Northeastern is closed on Monday 1/17/22 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Students will return to school on 1/18/22.
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
no school
Revised! So sorry to the students who were left off the original list.
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
High Honor Roll-Second Quarter
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
all as
Second Quarter Honor Roll
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
honor roll
Report cards will go home on Monday, January 10.
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Kindergarten registration begins February 15.
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Due to the weather, some of the buses may be running late, but all students are on their way home!
about 3 years ago, CNE Elementary School
Here is your weekly update for the week of 12/13/21 https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-elementary-school/article/606028
over 3 years ago, Tonya Schmidt