1st grade movie characters!

Movie character day in kindergarten!

It's a White Out Thursday for tomorrow's spirit day. Wear all white if you dare!

Today's PTO meeting has been canceled. More information will be forthcoming when received.

CNE Elementary loves PJ Day! Can't wait to see all the neon tomorrow!

Who doesn’t love a good pj day? CNE Elementary fourth graders certainly do!

CNE Elementary showed our Bengal stripes!

CNE students showed their stripes! Go Bengals! #showyourstripes

CAn't wait until next week's spirit week!

Celebrate a win for Cincinnati by wearing black and orange or your best Bengals' gear this Friday!

Can’t wait to see all those healthy, shining faces back at school tomorrow, Wednesday, January 19!

Due to staff illness, school will NOT be in session on Tuesday, January 18.

Clermont Northeastern will be CLOSED on 1/14/2022 due to a sharp rise in staff and family illnesses. Reminder that Clermont Northeastern is closed on Monday 1/17/22 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Students will return to school on 1/18/22.

So sorry to the students who were left off the original list.

High Honor Roll-Second Quarter

Second Quarter Honor Roll

Report cards will go home on Monday, January 10.

Kindergarten registration begins February 15.

Due to the weather, some of the buses may be running late, but all students are on their way home!

Here is your weekly update for the week of 12/13/21 https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-elementary-school/article/606028