Another great week of distance learning at CNE ES!
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
3rd Grade Distance Learning is still Rocking!
Chromebooks will be collected on 5/18, 5/19 and 5/20. Details have been posted and emailed and will be shared in an all call.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Chromebook return letter
Chrome book drop off and return of student belongings 5/18, 5/18, 5/20 CNE ES. Details to follow.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Chrome book return
We miss and love you all! Love, your special area teachers.
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
We enjoy seeing your hard work and seeing your faces at our Google meets on Fridays.
Rockets making the most of distance learning!
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Kindergarten Math!
Time to take the learning outdoors!
All about Ohio!
Happy Administrative Assistant Day to Missy and Jess! We miss your faces!
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Celebrating our amazing secretaries today!
Sorry we missed you Missy!
Socially distanced gift delivery!
3rd grade Rockin’ Virtual Learning!
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
3rd grade Benson/Brock!
Way to go Rockets!
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Shout out to our hardworking ROCKETS! #rocketsrockon
ES Distance Learning Survey Summary
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
ES Distance Learning Survey Summary
Parents, our goal as we support students from home is staying connected with our Rockets. Younger students should spend no more than 30-45 minutes engaged in school meets and academics daily. Older students between 45 and 60 minutes daily. Reach out to us if you need our support.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
We miss our students. Stay healthy and safe. See you soon!
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
Love from your Cultural Arts teachers. 🥰
We miss you Rockets! Enjoy our video!
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Just a reminder, teachers are currently reaching out to all parents. Please check your email or email your child’s teacher, Mrs. Schmidt or Mrs Young if you have not been contacted. All teachers are set to get going with distance learning on Monday.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Chromebook pick up at the ES April 1st from 2-7pm. No need to call in advance, just drive up to the front of the school and we will help you.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
almost 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
I am so proud of our CNE Rockets from the elementary school! We are doing a fantastic job raising money for the Pennies for Patients fundraiser. Tuesday is our last day to collect. You can also donate online as well as send money in to this fundraiser.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
The classroom that raises the most money will have a party (to be determined by that class at a later date.)
Students can help tape Mrs. Schmidt to the gym wall when they bring in a dollar on Tuesday, Feb. 18th.  Let's end this fundraiser with a blast!
We have 4 classrooms at the silver level and 7 classrooms at the bronze level at this time.  Way to go 🚀 Rockets!
Neon Nickel day was a hit! Looking forward to favorite team day with dimes. Wear your favorite team jerseys and or team colors.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
Fifth grade is very bright!!!  Had to wear my sunglasses. :-)
What a great day! Looking for a fun colorful day tomorrow with Neon Nickel Day. Bring in your nickels and neon colors.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
2nd graders in their PJs for pajama penny day.
What a fun-filled week we have planned for Pennies for Patients!! Let's have a great pajama day on Monday!!
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
Here is what we have planned for the week 😊