I am excited to announce that we have kicked off our Pennies for Patients program today! Information will be coming home with your child today. The web address for our school is events.lls.or/pages/soh/Clermont-Northeastern-Elementary-Schools-2020. Thank you for your support
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
What a fantastic time the fourth graders students had at the high school learning about 3-D printing.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
Watching the 3-D printer at work.
Mrs. Barber's and Mrs. Putnam's classes learned about 3-D printing.
We can't wait to make our own 3-D print.
4th graders took a trip to the high school to learn more about 3-D printing. Thank you to Mrs. Conroy, Mrs. Fender, and Mrs. Fetter for helping out with the trip. Thank you to Mr. Taktak for staying after school to show us about 3-D printing.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
The printers were so neat to watch.
Mrs. Wood and Ms. Molitor's classes learning about the 3-D printers
watching videos on how the use 3-D printing to make things like houses and cars!!
Listening to how the 3-D printer works.
More pictures of fifth graders working together.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
Peer editing at its finest.
Way to work together fifth graders!
Group working together to create a writing community.
Fifth graders in Mrs. Langdon's class are building a writing community with peer editing! Way to go!
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
Forming a writing community with peer editing.
Fifth graders peer editing.
Looks like a great writing community!
Helping each other to improve their writing.
Inter Parish Ministry Free Food Bags
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
information about Inter Parish Ministry Free Food Bags
Please drop off food and water to support the homeless shelter! #ESRocketscare
about 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Collecting food for the homeless! #ESRocketscare
CNEES Rockets Care #ESRocketscare
about 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Help us take care of our environment by recycling.
Positive Office Referral!
about 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Positive Office Referral!
Positive Office Referrals!
about 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Positive Office Referral!
CNE elementary teachers working together to help students improve writing across the curriculum.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
Kindergarten, first, and second grade teachers working to find ways to help students write across the curriculum.
Fifth grade working together.
Third grade teachers working together to help students with their writing.
Fourth grade teachers discussing what they noticed and wondered about the writing samples.
CNE ES is doing some wonderful things in the classroom like doing an escape room while practicing math.
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
We have smart students at CNE Elementary.  They escaped from The Dragon Multiplication Escape Room
Wow!  Here are some more smart and hard-working students at CNE ES
Look at our wonderful students!  Way to go!
More students working out math problems to escape the Dragon Multiplication Escape Room.
Some fun activities at CNE Elementary!!
about 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
"Buddy the Elf" came to visit third grade!
Fifth Graders in Mrs. Langdon's class did a Dragon Multiplication Escape Room!  Too Much Fun
More Students escaped from the Dragon Multiplication Game
Continuation of escape room in Fifth Grade
Ugly sweater day!
over 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Ugly Sweater Day!
CNE ES Is so happy to have Grand Parents here for the Holiday performance!
over 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
3rd grade Grand Parent event!
4thgrade program
over 5 years ago, Tracy Bronner
4th grade
3rd Grade Show
over 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
3rd grade show at CNE ES! It was awesome!
Correction 3rd grade show is at 6:00 on 12/12 and 4th grade is at 7:00 12/12. Grandparents Day will begin at 9:15 on 12/13! Please make note of the times for these awesome events!
over 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
3rd and 4th Grade Music Program 12/12 Speaking part practice for the Music Program next week is cancelled 3rd Grade Grandparent Day is 12/13 at 9:30!
over 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Santa shop sign up! Contact us at school if you can volunteer.
over 5 years ago, Tonya Schmidt
Santa Shop volunteer sign up.