Weekly Update 3/17/19- K-2 Literacy Night is 3/19 from 6-7:30. Join us for food, activities, games and more! The Spark Research Expo for grades 3-5 is 3/21 from 6-7. Both events are at the Elementary School. Kindergarten Registration is 3/21 from 2:30-6:30 at the Middle School, more details available on the CNE website!

Family Fun Night cancelled. Due to circumstances outside of our control, Family Fun Night is cancelled. Our plan is to bring the event back next school year.

Spark Expo 3/21/19 at CNE ES!

Weekly update-3/10/19—3/12 is the CNE Foundation Art Auction. This is an online event. Mark your calendar for the K-2 Family Literacy Night on 3/19 from 6-7:30. We are accepting donations of Oreo cookies, goldfish crackers and juice boxes for the event. 3/21 from 6-7 is the 3-5 Spark Expo. Both events will be held at the Elementary School! Contact us if you need more info about any of these events.

The Clermont Northeastern Educational Foundation is excited to announce its annual classroom art auction is almost here! Teachers & students in the district have been working diligently to create beautiful pieces of art. The proceeds from the art auction are returned directly to the CNE classrooms via grants to teachers.
The auction will take place on Facebook as an event. https://www.facebook.com/events/418088658947165/ The album with artwork will be posted at 7am on March 12th which will signify the beginning of the auction. The auction will conclude at 5pm on March 20th.
Each item will have a $20 starting bid. Incremental bids should be at least $5 but can be any multiple of $5. Bids should be placed as a comment on the individual photo, not the album. Misdirected bids will be removed, so please bid carefully.
Payment options are cash, check or Paypal. Julie Best will reach out to winners at the conclusion of the auction.

Weekly Update 3/4/19 This week at CNE ES, breakfast will be sold for 25 cents. There are many options, we encourage all students to eat breakfast at school. Rocketeer Assembly is Friday, 3/8. Please get out your blue and gold.

CNE ES 2/24/19 Weekly Update- we have many items in our lost and found, if your child has lost a coat, jacket, hat, gloves or lunch box please stop in at school and check for the missing item. Every Friday is spirit day, wear your blue and gold to show your Rocket Pride! Next Rocketeer Assembly is March 8th.

Reminder— The CNE ES Father Daughter dance sponsored by the Leo Club is this Saturday, February 23 at the Owensville Methodist Church. The theme is LUAU, and there will be a lip synch battle to "You're Welcome" from Moana. Doors open at 6:00, DJ starts at 6:30.

CNE ES Weekly Update 2/16/19- No School Monday, 2/17. If you have Fundraiser Books please return to school on Tuesday.

Book Fair will be open tomorrow for any student that missed the opportunity to shop. Candy grams will also be for sale at the CNE ES Book Fair . 💝

Weekly Update 2/10/19 Rocketeer Assembly is Monday 2/11/19- All students and staff wear blue and gold. Conference Night is Tuesday, 2/12. Keep taking orders for the Super Saver Books; orders due 2/14/19. Books will be delivered the week of 2/19. No school on 2/15 or 2/19.

Weekly Update 2/3/19- To honor Deputy Brewer, we are asking that the CNE Family show support by wearing blue tonorrow and making a 1.00 donation for Deputy Brewer’s family. It is book fair week at CNE ES! 2/7 is our first conference night. PTO is selling candy grams for Valentine’s Day.

Weekly Update-1/27/19 Please continue to donate winter wear items. ES Conferences are 2/7 and 2/12. Book Fair begins the week of 2/4 with evening sales on our first conference night. PTO will begin the annual candy gram sell soon!

Don’t forget to pre-order your yearbook! Friday, 1/25 is the last day to place your order.

No School 1/21/19. Thanks to the CNE community for making the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser an amazing success!

Winter Drive

1/13/19 Weekly Update- Report were given to children on Friday. We have lots of items in lost and found if you happen to be missing a coat, gloves or hat. Please be sure you child is dressed for outdoor recess. Join us at the Sexton Spaghetti dinner 1/18/19 4-6 Middle School.

Weekly Update 1/6/19. I hope you had a nice break, school is back in session on our regular schedule tomorrow. Please plan to attend the fundraiser for Kinley Sexton and her family on 1/18/19. Details are posted on our website and flyers with all the details will be coming home this week. We can’t wait to see those Rockets tomorrow!

Slime party for Mrs Siefert’s class for collecting the most boxtops!

Dress in your most festive outfit! CNE ES Spirit Week!