Way to go Hope! Positive office referral!

Learning computer lab rules while playing kahoot! #esbestfirstdayever #TheRocketWay

Clermont Northeastern Elementary staff enjoy “Data and Doughnut” at TBT!

New playground is under construction!

8/19/20 is the first day of school! Arrive between 8:15 and 8:30. If you plan to park, enter in the center High School driveway to access parking. Students will be escorted to class, if needed, by staff. To keep our focus on students, parents will not be allowed to visit classrooms. Watch for first day pictures at #esbestfirstdayever

Thank you to everyone that made it out to open house! It was amazing! We are still accepting cards for the first day of school. There is a place for those under the awning at school. Remember, 1st day of school for 1-5 is Monday. Kindergarten will be on an adjusted schedule this week. Can’t wait for #esbestfirstdayever

***Please check your child's grade level supply list. Some of the lists have changed. These are grades 3-5 supply lists. Thank you for your support. Looking forward to a wonderful year with your child/children.

***Please check your child's supply list. Some of the lists have changed since the last message. These are lists for K-2. Thank you for your support!

Stuff a CNE bus

CNE Open House 5-6:30 August 15th!
All families are also invited to visit the High School football field for free food and school supplies! Donations provided by our awesome business partners! Can’t wait to see those CNE ES Rockets!

We are working on our FinalForms rollout. We would like to see if you could please take the time to fill out your student(s) information in our new system. The link is https://clermont-oh.finalforms.com/students and the playbook for any questions are attached.

2018-2019 Top 3 PBIS point earners from each grade level.

Weekly Update-5/12 Happy Mother’s Day! A big thank you for all of the kind gestures from PTO and families; you made Teacher Appreciation Week amazing! The collection for Walk-a-thon continues until 5/21. Thank you for participating! Field Day is 5/17. It looks like the weather will be nice, be sure your child is dressed for outdoor activities and consider using a bit of sunscreen! Looking ahead- Kindergarten Graduation 5/20, Walk-A-Thon 5/21 and 5th recognition 5/23.

This week at CNE ES 5/6/19
The Clermont Northeastern Education Foundation is sponsoring a Walk-A-Thon, all proceeds will be used to support Clermont Northeastern Schools. Students will Walk on 5/21. Prizes will be given for classrooms and individual students. All information was sent home with students on Friday. Go Rockets!

Kindergarten students love reading!

Wear purple on Monday in support of the Sexton Family!

This week at CNE ES- 4/29 and 5/1 4th grade takes Math Ohio State Test. 4/30 and 5/2 4th grade takes Math Ohio State Test. 4/30 2nd grade Grand Parent Day; begins at 9:15, breakfast to follow program. 5/1 1st Grand Parent Day begins at 9:15 (breakfast to follow). Grades 1 and 2 are performing at the Spring Arts Event at the HighSchool 4/30 from 5:30 to 8:00! Hope to see everyone at the event!

4/21 Weekly Update- Ohio State Tests continue this week- on 4/23 and 4/24 5th grade will take the Science Test. On 4/25 and 4/26 3rd grade will take the Math Test. Breakfast is free for students on the days they test. Looking ahead, 4/30 is 2nd Grandparents Day (we will begin around 9:00am. 4/30 is also the “Concert by the Lake” 1st and 2nd grade students will perform. 5/1 is Grandparents Day for 1st grade. We look forward to seeing lots of parents and grandparents at the events!

4/14 weekly update- 5th Grade Ohio State Test in Reading 4/15 and 4/16. 4th Grade Ohio State Test in Reading 4/17 and 4/18. If you have a child that is testing, please be sure they get to bed early and get to school on time. Breakfast is free for students on the day they are taking a test! Go Rockets, do your best on your test. We are behind you 100%

4/7/19 CNEES Weekly Update- April 10th and 11th 3rd grade Ohio State Test Reading. Breakfast is provided for 3rd grade students on testing days. Be sure your student is rested and ready to do their best! Looking ahead... 4/15 and 4/16 5th grade Ohio State Test Reading and 4/17 and 4/18 4th grade Ohio State Reading Test. No School on 4/19/19 for the Easter Holiday.