April 27, 2020
Dear Seniors and Families,
I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. I know this is not the way any of you wanted to end your high school career. Please know we are doing everything in our power to make this as special and as close to normal as we can make it. We have scheduled a number of graduation related activities that we hope will allow you to finish out your high school career on a positive note as you move on to your next chapter.
May 14th: Virtual Senior Awards, 6:30p – Join us as we announce our Senior Scholarship winners live! A link to the broadcast will be emailed and posted on social media the day of awards
May 15th and 16th: Senior Pictures – The district is providing each senior with a photo in their cap & gown and a photo with up to 4 family members for free. Additional copies will be available for purchase through McIntyre Photography. Seniors and their families will be given a specific picture time and strict social distancing measures will be enforced. Information and photo times will be mailed home this week.
May 22nd: Virtual Graduation Ceremony, 7:00p – We will broadcast a Virtual Graduation Ceremony that seniors can watch with their families. The ceremony will contain many of the elements of a traditional graduation ceremony – speeches, music, etc. We will also announce each graduating senior and display their picture.
July 3rd: Prom at B & B Riverboats. Price and ticket information TBD. (Please note this is contingent upon the current “Stay at Home Order” and social distancing guidelines being rescinded).
August 5th: In-person Graduation Ceremony, Crossroads Eastside 7:00p – It is our desire to hold a traditional, in-person Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2020. Please note this is contingent upon the current “Stay at Home Order” and social distancing guidelines being rescinded. As of April 24th the State Department of Education was discouraging in-person ceremonies at any time so this may not be possible.
We will be in contact with more detailed information about each event at a later time. Additionally, seniors help us get the word out about the amazing things you plan to do after graduation! Create a 10 second video announcing your plans for after high school. Be as creative as you can be! Email your videos to Mr. Houp, houp_s@cneschools.org, by May 8th. We will combine all the videos and share it with the community.