May 5, 2020
Dear CNE Family,
The Rocketeer staff has been hard at work and in continuous communication with Mr. Glassmeyer and Mr. Houp, Balfour, and one another to continue production on the 2020 Yearbook with a few adjustments.
First, we know that although we are all in the same storm, we are not in the same boats. Some have contacted me about purchasing yearbooks and Senior Ad space, so I want to share this information with everyone. My intention is to make this readily available, while also letting you know that I realize it is a delicate situation to promote sales during a time of economic hardship for many families. This is why I am also offering an option for delayed payment for those who wish to purchase but need to spend their money elsewhere right now.
We want to give this volume of the Rocketeer the attention it deserves, not only because it is an historical event, but also because the Class of 2020 is already missing out on many of the hallmarks they were anticipating during their senior year. Although things did not turn out how any of us would have ever anticipated, the positivity and love that has always thrived in the CNE community came out in full force to lift up this class of resilient, dedicated, inspiring young people. Therefore, we chose to move from a Spring delivery with a supplemental insert to a full book with a Fall delivery, which means books will be delivered late September-early October.
This new deadline has allowed us to continue selling both personal ads as well as yearbooks. This is what you need to know in order to purchase an ad or a yearbook:
If you want to purchase a personal ad to congratulate a senior or the whole Class of 2020, prices range from $25 for a business card sized ad to $250.. Email me at with questions, for more information, and to send pictures and message details. Checks can be mailed to and made out to CNE High School with “Senior Ad” and the student’s name or “Class of 2020” in the memo. Senior ad requests and payment are due by June 1, 2020.
If you want to order a yearbook, there are 2 options (Books are $50 each):
Go to Balfour’s website directly at Search for Clermont Northeastern High School. Personalization is no longer available. The online store is open until June 1, 2020.
Fill out this Google Form to reserve a copy for pickup in the fall. You will have the option to pre-pay by sending a check or to indicate that you wish to pay when you pick up the book. We will make every attempt to communicate with you when they arrive, so even if you are still having financial challenges, as long as you keep us informed, we can work with you. If we can not reach you and do not receive payment by December 18, 2020, we can no longer guarantee a book past that date, and will begin contacting people on a waiting list if the demand is too high.
If you want to donate a yearbook to a senior, please contact me first so that I can confirm they have not ordered one already.
Please stay safe, and contact me with any questions or concerns.
Bernadette Wayne, Yearbook Adviser