Just a few reminders for our Seniors –

  • Graduation Slides – please be sure to send me your Senior’s Graduation Slide by Monday, May 11th.  If you send me the information I am happy to fill out the slide for your senior.  More information can be found at https://www.cneschools.org/article/239009?org=cne-high-school
  • As part of the Virtual Graduation Ceremony we will be displaying the pictures that were submitted that show each senior through their school career.  There is still time to upload photos if you have not done so already at https://forms.gle/rqRLdGSzirjK9upe7  Please upload your photos by May 11th
  • On Monday, May 11th 9:00a – 1:00p Seniors can drop off their chromebooks, textbooks, and collect anything left in lockers.  Mrs. Leiman will also be on hand to collect any fees.  This will be a drive-up collection/drop-off, everyone should remain in their cars.
  • Seniors  help us get the word out about the amazing things you plan to do after graduationCreate a 10 second video announcing your plans for after high school.  Be as creative as you can be! Email your videos to Mr. Houp, houp_s@cneschools.org, by May 11th.  We will combine all the videos and share it with the community.

TJ Glassmeyer, Principal
