As we close out the 2019-20 I wanted to thank everyone for their patience and flexibility over the last 8 weeks.  I know this was not the ideal way for your child to end the school year but I truly appreciate everyone making the best of a difficult situation.  Final Report Cards and schedules for next school year will be mailed home next week. 

These schedules are tentative, as we are still awaiting guidance from the Ohio Department of Education about what next school year will bring. Please know that however the school year takes shape, we will make sure the learning is relevant, accessible, and high quality. 

Thank you so much for an amazing school year, we cannot wait to see what great things the 2020-21 school  year has in store for us! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us at any time.

2020-21 Schedule Change Requests -

Summer Office Hours for the High School will be 9:00 am-1:00pm on the following days: Thursday, June 11th           

Thursday, June 18th

Thursday, July 2nd     

Thursday, July 9th

Thursday, July 16th    

Thursday, July 23rd

The office will resume daily hours of 7:00am-3:00pm on August 3rd.


Jenny Leiman, Secretary

513-625-1211 ext. 110

Work Permits, Fees, General Questions


Amy Comisar, Guidance Counselor

513-625-1211 ext. 116

Scheduling, Transcripts, CCP


Scott Houp, Assistant Principal

513-625-1211 ext. 111


TJ Glassmeyer, Principal

513-625-1211 ext. 112