On Monday teachers will be going over the high school's updated procedures at the start of each class. Our teachers have made videos that show many of the changes. They will be showing the videos to their classes but they are included below in case you would like to watch them with your child.
Entry into the Building (video) - as a reminder car riders will enter through the Front Entrance; bus riders and drivers will enter through the Math Wing
Entering Class (video)
Leaving Class (video)
Cafeteria(video) - the layout of the Cafeteria has changed since the video was taken. Tables and chairs are spread out around room to allow for social distancing. Students will have the option of eating in the Cafeteria or the Gym Bleachers.
Restroom (video) - students will not be permitted to use the restroom during class change. Teachers will allow students to use the restroom during class.