High School Families, 

As you have heard the District has made the decision to continue with remote learning until at least January 11th.  A schedule for next week's remote learning is below. Students need to log into a Google Meet at the regularly scheduled start of each class on Monday, January 4th.  Teachers will check-in with students to review expectations and discuss what they will be learning during the 2nd semester.  Students will then have assignments to complete for each class Tuesday - Friday.  Students need to check-in with each of their teachers at some point on Wednesday and Friday.  The check-ins on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will count towards your child's attendance. 

We will be posting a spreadsheet with each teacher's Google Classroom Code for the 2nd semester on the high school's webpage.  Schedules for the 2nd semester were mailed home prior to Christmas Break.  If you need a copy of your child's schedule please email Mr. Houp or me.

Remote Learning Schedule for the week of January 4th--

Monday, January 4th - students log into a Google Meet at the start of each class.  Class times are below.

1st Period - 7:20a-8:09a

2nd Period - 8:13a-9:02a

3rd Period - 9:06a-9:55a

4th Period - 9:59a-10:48a

Lunch Break 

5th Period - 11:26a-12:15p

6th Period - 12:19p-1:08p

7th Period - 1:12p-2:03p

Tuesday, January 5th - Complete assignments posted on Google Classroom for all classes.  Teachers will be online to answer questions and provide assistance, 10a-2p (minus lunch).

Wednesday, January 6th - Students should check-in with all their teachers and complete all assignments posted on Google Classroom for all classes.  Teachers will be online to answer questions and provide assistance, 10a-2p (minus lunch).

Thursday, January 7th - Complete assignments posted on Google Classroom for all classes.  Teachers will be online to answer questions and provide assistance, 10a-2p (minus lunch).

Friday, January 8th - Students should check-in with all their teachers and complete all assignments posted on Google Classroom for all classes.  Teachers will be online to answer questions and provide assistance, 10a-2p (minus lunch).

TJ Glassmeyer, Principal