Good afternoon, last week our Superintendent, Mike Brandt, sent a message to families letting them know all students would learn remotely this week.  Throughout this week we will be sharing reminders about the procedures in place for our return to in-person learning which is currently scheduled for Monday, January 11thBelow is information about High School student expectations in the classroom and during class change.  You can view the District’s entire “Return to Learning Plan” at

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  We look forward to seeing everyone in-person on January 11th! #RocketsReturn2021

TJ Glassmeyer, Principal


  • Upon entering the classroom students should use the hand sanitizer located in each classroom.
  • Student desks will be spaced out at least 3 feet, using guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics.  
  • Students will not be permitted to share supplies unless they have been thoroughly sanitized.  Additionally, students will not be permitted to work in close proximity with other students.
  • Students will only be permitted to leave the classroom to use the restroom or to go to the Office.
  • Students will wipe down their desk at the end of each class with district-provided cleaning supplies.
  • All classrooms will be sanitized by the building’s custodial staff nightly.  Additionally all classrooms will be sprayed monthly with a product called “Germ Stop” that repels germs, bacteria,viruses, etc for 30 days.


Class Changes

Students will change classes during the normal bell change times.

Hallway Traffic Pattern:

  • The gym stage will be a one-way path for students coming from English, Social Studies, and the science hallways to go to classes in the math wing.
  • The pathway in front of the bleachers will be one way for students from the Math wing to head to the Social Studies and English wings for class.  
  • The front hallway will be a one way for students in the Science wing to access the Social Studies and English wings for class.
  • Students coming from the Science wing heading to Math wing will need to go around and use the gym stage to go to Math, Health, or Mr. Jelley’s room.