It is hard to believe but the 2020-21 School Year is quickly coming to a close!  We will wrap up the school year in 3 ½ short weeks on Wednesday, May 26th.  Students should be working hard to stay up to date on all their classwork so they can finish the 4th Quarter on a positive note.

There is no school on Friday, May 7th it is a scheduled Professional Development Day for teachers. 

One Book, One School Project

This week we kicked off our “One Book, One School” Project.  On Monday, students were given copies of Just Mercy for themselves and their families.  Students will be completing activities in all classes related to the book.  This Sunday, I will be sending out optional discussion questions for families.  Included will also be a link to capture any thoughts you and your child had about the book.  If you have time, we would encourage you to read the book along with your child.  There may be parts of the book that you do not agree with or related to, but there are many overarching themes that I think a lot of our families can relate and empathize with.

Prom Spirit Week

The Student Senate is sponsoring a Prom themed Spirit Week starting on Monday.  See the flyer below for more information.


Just a reminder that those students attending Prom should arrive at B&B Riverboats no later than 6:45p on May 8th.  Any student that is late may be left behind when the boat starts sailing. Students are able to begin boarding at 6p.  Please contact Mrs. Tidwell or Mrs. Cicchinelli with any question.