CNE Families,

Yesterday afternoon the High School was made aware of an inappropriate and offensive photo that was posted by our students online. We immediately launched an investigation and applied consequences to the students involved. As you know, we have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into improving the school climate at the high school through The Rocket Way, Circles, and Restorative Practices. Yesterday we wrapped up our One Book, One School Project so it was incredibly disheartening for students to post a photo like that during those activities. We want the High School to be an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students, families, and community members.  Tomorrow we will revisit these topics during our restorative circles. No matter how disheartening this incident was, we will take time to reflect, learn, and grow as a school community.

If you or your child have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Mr. Houp or me.

TJ Glassmeyer, High School Principal