On Tuesday, November 30, four members of the CNE High School Leo Club visited CNE Elementary to create works of kindness with the fourth grade students. Juniors Zoe Moore, Taylor Beasley, Ava Fuchs, and Ivy Stephan explained their project idea to the students-to create holiday cards for the residents of Sem Haven- and provided materials for the 9 and 10 year olds to use. Zoe picked this particular project because it reminded her of her great-grandmother who was in a nursing home for a while before she passed away and knew how much she loved children. Taylor explained why she chose this project, ”I know that there are many people in nursing homes who aren't able to see their family during this time of year and sometimes all someone needs to make their day better is a simple Christmas card.” Ava agreed, saying, “ Most people in nursing homes don't have a family to visit them so if we could bring them some sort of joy during the holidays that would be great.” The fourth graders eagerly dove into the project, happy to be involved in sharing a little bit of happiness through their artwork, which as Ivy explained, “Older people enjoy the creativity of youth.”
The CNE Leo Club is an offshoot of the CNE Lion’s Club, both organizations whose focus is to make a difference in the community. According to Zoe, “Leo Club to me is a chance for high schoolers to step up as leaders and become an active part of our community. By partnering with the elementary students, these four young ladies demonstrated small ways that they can help their community and that they don't have to be grown up to make a difference. Like Taylor says, “Every small thing that someone does for someone else makes a big difference.”
Article written by Susan Putnam, 4th Grade Teacher