Updated 12/17/21
- December 25: Yearbook price increases from $45 to $50
- January 7: Last day to register for February 12 ACT (act.org)
- January 12: 7:45 AM ASVAB testing (optional)
- January 28: ASVAB test interpretation in AM
- January 28: Senior portraits and quotes due to Ms. Wayne see https://www/cneschools.org/o/cne-hih-school/page/yearbook for details
- January 28: Payment for senior ads deadline see https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-high-school/page/yearbook
- February 12: ACT test
- February 15: Parent/Teacher conferences 2-8 PM
- February 22: Graduate Services announcement, ring, cap & gown delivery during lunch @ CNE
- February 25: Local scholarship packets available to seniors in Guidance office (scholarships will be listed at https://www.cneschools.org/o/cne-high-school/page/scholarship-resources--2 )
- March 23: Scholarship packets due back to Guidance office
- March 28-April 1: Spring Break
- March 31: Purchase yearbook to guarantee a copy
- Graduation ceremony information will be mailed home
- April 2: ACT test
- May 6: Last day to register for June 11 ACT (act.org)
- May 6: ALL SCHOOL FEES MUST BE PAID in order to participate in graduation and receive diploma
- May TBD: Senior Prom (details to come)
- May 11: Academic Signing Day 1:16 PM (details to come)
- May 17: Cap & Gown Parade, Senior Picnic, Senior’s Last Day
- May 20: Graduation Practice 3:00 PM, Sports Awards 6:00 PM, Senior Awards 7:00 PM
- May 23: Graduation 7 PM at Crossroads Church, 4450 Eastgate South Drive, Cincinnati OH 45245
Cap & Gown Info
All seniors must wear a cap & gown purchased from Graduate Services.
The dates for ordering and receiving products from Graduate Services are:
- Senior Order Date at Live Oaks November 12th at lunch
- Senior Order Date at Scarlet Oaks November 4th at lunch
- Announcement Delivery Date at CNE High School February 22nd at lunch
- Announcement Delivery Date at Live Oaks April 4th at lunch
- Announcement Delivery Date at Scarlet Oaks April 14th at lunch
- Caps & Gowns delivered to CNE High School February 22nd. **All caps & gowns will be delivered to CNE High School**
To place orders for cap & gowns outside of school order dates, please contact Graduate Services at (513)272-5890 or visit their website at www.graduateserviceinc.com.
No writing or defacing the cap, gown, shoes, etc.
Commencement attire: Appropriate dress for males is white shirt with a collar, tie, dark slacks, dark socks and dark shoes. Appropriate dress for females is a light colored dress (dark colors and bold prints will show through the gown) not to exceed the hem-line of the gown. Dress shoes are required, no flip-flops.