Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of CNE High School Students,
Cell phones have become a way of life. This advancement has impacted all of us in some capacity in our everyday lives. However, in a school environment, cell phones can easily become a distraction for our students. Social media, music and text messaging are just a few of the distractions that can impact our students’ learning during instructional time with their cell phones.
This school year, our district has heavily invested and implemented a 1:1 chromebook program. Each student has been assigned their own chromebook to access technology while they are at school. If you need to reach your child during school hours, you can contact them using their school email address. If it is an urgent matter, please call the office at 625-1211 ext. 110. We will make every effort to ensure your message is delivered to your child.
As we start the second quarter on October 15th, students will not be permitted to have their cell phones out in class. We will use the following for consequences if a student has a cell phone out during class. Please review these expectations with your student. We will also review these expectations with our students before October 15th.
1st Offense: Student gives teacher cell phone until the end of the class period.
2nd Offense: Phone will be turned in to the office until the end of the school day or a cell phone pouch will be used.
3rd + Offense: Phone will be turned in to the office and parent/guardian will be notified to pick up the device. Friday school and in-school suspension assignments will be considered.
*Students will still have access to their phones during lunch and class changes.
Scott Houp
High School Assistant Principal