Halftime! Rockets 24 Blan Wildcats 13
After the 1st qtr, Lady Rockets up 17-8!
Let's Go Rockets 🚀
Lady Rockets JV battling against Blanchester in the home opener!
Varsity up next! Let's Go Rockets!
The Band & Choir did a wonderful job tonight!
Here are just a few of the performances:
No evening plans tonight?!?!?
Support Wrestling by picking up some Chipotle before coming to CNE HS for the Winter Band & Choir Concert tonight, Dec 4th at 6pm!
Congratulations NHS Inductees!
Congratulations Rylie Pence on being the November Rotary Student of the Month!
Rylie is very active as a leader at CNE. Rylie has a giving heart and serves others through her many roles at CNE. Currently she serves on the FFA Chapter Leadership Team as the Secretary & has already earned her FFA State Degree! Additionally, Rylie is the President of the Northeastern Leo Club, the Secretary of the National Honor Society, & has volunteered the most hours of any student to the Hoxworth Blood Drive. November 15 is National Philanthropy Day, which makes Rylie the perfect person to represent Rotary Student of the Month in November.
Remember, You Matter, You Make a Difference, Make It a Positive One!
CNE FFA had a great time at National Convention in Indianapolis with over 65,000 of our farming friends & neighbors!
it's powderpuff volleyball at the highschool today!
This game is neck and neck! the underclassmen lead 19-21 at the end of the 3rd quarter!
It's Powderpuff football night! the Seniors/Juniors are leading the Sophomore/Freshmen 19-14 at half!
It was wonderful to allow our school gym to become a Federal Court for the Naturalization ceremony of 61 new U.S. Citizens! A real life civics lesson for our school community!
Thank you to everyone who helped in making our first ever Teach-N-Treat a success!
Come One Come All! CNE Community Teach-N-Treat is tonight on campus! K-12 students & Families are invited to enjoy the FFA Hayride, Petting Zoo, & Picture Backdrops! Food trucks, CNE Cares, Military Freebies and more on sight this evening 2:30-8pm during conferences! Go Rockets!
Don't Miss Out on POWDERPUFF!
Some important details about Teach-N-Treat & Student Led Conferences at the High School:
1) Students come with their parents and lead them throughout the building to meet each of their teachers starting with their WYCNE teacher.
2) Each conference session is intended to be a brief ~3 minute discussion led by the student about their current progress in class.
3) There is not a specific schedule, the time is flexible to meet the needs of all families. Meetings are meant to be short (~3 min each), families can engage with teachers in their classrooms between 2:30-5pm and 6-8pm.
4) Thursday's Spirit Day is "Throwback Thursday", so feel free to dress up in your favorite 50's, 60's, 70's, etc. outfits and embrace the FUN with us!
5) Students will get a treat each time they participate AND they will be entered into a drawing for some special prizes!
There are a lot of other FUN things happening on campus and opportunities for families and teachers to engage as a school community K-12, so please join us!
CNE Band Fall Concert!
Just a few clips I was able to capture!
Great job Band!!!
Round 2 OHSAA Tournament play Ladies soccer up 6-0 at the half over Norwood!
Let's Go Rockets!
Cheer Tryouts!!!
The CNE Board Meeting is tonight at 6:30 in the HS Commons. You can watch it live at: https://youtube.com/live/OAh1cTsdWpQ?feature=share