We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday for Open House!
Hard work pays off for Clermont Northeastern Middle School Staff as they present their work on a NATIONAL LEVEL!!! Well done CNE MS Rockets!!!
Important Safety Reminder... CNE MS will be practicing our Parent Reunification Exercise on 5/23 starting at 1:30 pm. If you participate in parent/student pick-up during PM dismissal, you will not be permitted to park in the school parking lot. We are asking that you go to the CNEAA Ball Field entrance and follow the directions below. If you do not want to participate, you may pick your child up early. All students not participating must be off campus by 1pm.
Character Trait of the Week
Congrats to Madilyn for winning the Harley Davidson Raffle at the CNEMS Career Day!! Thanks Mr. Havrilla!!
Thanks to Mrs. Schmidt for donating gift cards to raffle off at our CNEMS Career Day! Congrats to our winners!!!
Thanks to Mrs. Schmidt for donating gift cards to raffle off at our CNEMS Career Day! Congrats to our winners!!!
Career Day at CNEMS
Career Day at CNEMS
Positive Office Referrals!!
Character Trait of the Week: Determined
Character Trait of the Week: Trustworthy
May 1st - May 5th will be our Science Spirit week! Let's have ome fun and keep up the hard work! You are almost there Rockets!!!
Character Trait of the Week: Tolerant
CNEMS Track Stars!!
CNEMS Track Stars!!
CNEMS Track Stars!!
April 24th - April 28th will be our Math OST Spirit Week! Keep up the great work Rockets! We are proud of you!
Thanks for a great Track Meet Rockets!!!