CNE MS will be using PTCFAST.COM again this year for our Fall CONFERENCE NIGHT on October 7, 2021, from 2:15 pm to 8:00 pm. Please enter the following WEB address into your browser window.
Conferences will be virtual and you will receive an invitation from your grade level/content teacher that you signed up with on If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 513-625-1210.
Be Ready for An Awesome Discussion Led by Your Rocket in Our Virtual Meeting!
Character Trait of the Week: Self Awareness
Thank you for the treats Mrs. Sanders and your ROCKET team!!!
Congrats to our 6th Grade Wheel of Cheer winners!!!
Wheel of Cheer 7th Grade!!!
Congrats to our eighth grade wheel of cheer winners!!!
Congratulations to CNE MS Rockets student of the month lunch winners! Thanks for your hard work!!!
CNE Middle School - Week #3 - Family Engagement Tip!
We ♥️ 🏈!!!
For those of you who did not receive our Lifetouch Picture flyer that went home on Friday, our ID number to order online is EVTFHSCFT! See you tomorrow!
Great Teacher Based Team Meeting today! Thank you CNE MS Staff!!!
Way to go Rockets! Way to go!
Tomorrow is PICTURE DAY!!!! CNE MS Picture Day = 08/25/21!
Picture Retake Day will be 10/21/21!
Spanish is serious business!!!
Nice Job Ladies!!!
Super Proud Of Our R2D2 Leaders!!!
Wheel of Cheer Winners!
Parent Communication 08/23-08/27!
Character Trait of the Week: Strength
Clermont Northeastern HS/MS will be using digital tickets for all 7-12 sporting events. Purchase a season ticket to avoid fees, single game tickets will typically be available one week prior to the scheduled start. See you this season!