The CNE Drama Department is excited to present their summer drama camp! The camp will provide students with many different aspects of stage performing through a variety of fun and engaging activities. The camp will conclude with a Remote Camp Show which will give each student the chance to shine! Each camper will receive a camp t-shirt.
Next week it is time to show what we know on the AIR Assessment! Let's have some fun in the process! Show us your SPIRIT!!!!
Character Trait of the Week: Integrity
Week 31 Updates!!!
Thank You For All You Do! 💙
Next week it is time to show what we know on the AIR Assessment! Let's have some fun in the process! Show us your SPIRIT!!!!
For Importannt CNE MS Air Assessment Testing Information go to...
We Missed You!!!
Character Trait of the Week: Responsible
Congrats! Thank you for all of your hard work!!!
Congrats! Thank you for all of your hard work!!!
Important Information...
2021-2022 Schedule Requests will be coming home on 03-26-21. Please take a moment to discuss with your Rocket and send them back no later than 04-09-21. Thank You!!!
Families of CNE Middle School,
Good Morning, this is Laura Nazzarine Principal of CNE Middle School. Today we had a report that a student made a threat of conducting a shooting on campus. In an effort to provide maximum transparency, today approximately 6:15 am we became aware of a potential threat that a student made to shoot up the school. By 6:40 am The student in question was removed from the bus separated from the rest of the student body to be questioned regarding these comments. Staff immediately searched the student, their belongings and found no imminent threat. The student in question admitted to the administration and school resource officer that he did make this threat. At no time were students in danger nor were any students harmed. The Clermont County Sheriff’s Office was briefly involved in supporting the District. We ask for your support in addressing this matter with your children. Please take time tonight to talk to your children about the seriousness of making threatening statements about weapons and the importance of seeking help when overwhelmed or stressed.
As always, the safety and security of our students remain our number one priority. Thank you for your support.
System 44 and Read 180 work at CNE Middle. Building Literacy Leadership Team Takes Charge...Teachers Teaching Teachers!
Family Engagement Tips Week of March 22...
Let’s have some fun before Spring Break!!! Show your Rocket Spirit!!!
Spirit Week March 22-26!!!
This is what leadership looks like. CNEHS students talk to 8th Grade about their future!!! #RocketPride
Positive Office Referrals
6th Grade Academic Awards