6th Grade Students of the Month!!
about 4 years ago, Chuck Boothby
6th Grade Students of the Month!!
Date Change for Picture Day... Save the Date!!!! CNE MS Spring Picture Order https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/portrait-store
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Hard Work Pays Off!! Great Job Zach!
about 4 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Hard Work Pays Off!!  Great Job Zach!
Being Respectful, Responsible, Dedicated and Displaying School Pride Pays Off at the CNE MS PBIS Store
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
PBIS Store
CNE Middle School Track and Field begins on Monday, March 1st! Athletes interested will need a current physical and all Final Forms completed! GO ROCKETS!!!
about 4 years ago, Chuck Boothby
CNE Middle School Track and Field begins on Monday, March 1st!  Athletes interested will need a current physical and all Final Forms completed!  GO ROCKETS!!!
6th Grade Positive Office Referrals!!
about 4 years ago, Chuck Boothby
6th Grade Positive Office Referrals!!
CNE Middle School Picture Date Change!-The day is now 3/15 7:30-9:30... Save the Date!!!! CNE MS Spring Picture Order Click the link to learn more! http://bit.ly/3brSZmk
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
This is a message from CNE Middle School Reminder 02/25/21 This Thursday is Teacher Vaccination Day / Remote Learning Day Please see the link below to learn more. http://bit.ly/37EUrkl
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Date Change for Picture Day... Save the Date!!!! CNE MS Spring Picture Order https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/portrait-store
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Character Trait of the Week: Humor
about 4 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Character Trait of the Week: Humor
Save the Date!!!! CNE MS Spring Picture Order
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
There has been a change in date to UC's CCP Night - it is on 02/25/21 at 6pm. You MUST register at the following link. Once registration is complete, you will be emailed the link to join which you should use at the time of the presentation. https://www.uc.edu/aas/ccp.htm
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Change in Date
Important Information!!!
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Important Information!!!
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
College Credit Plus
7-12 students interested in playing a spring sport may find more information below. You must have an active physical and be green on Final Forms before the official start date. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p6YsrBxqFnssb_d5T9hqwYJ2VEhH27c7OClRycdUeE0/edit?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, CNE Athletics
Important Information!!!
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
important Information!!!
Attention Please!!!
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Character Trait of the Week: Curiosity
about 4 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Character Trait of the Week: Curiosity
Important Information!!!
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Important Information
Attention Please!!!
about 4 years ago, Laura Nazzarine