6th Grade Students of the Month!!

Date Change for Picture Day...
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CNE MS Spring Picture Order

Hard Work Pays Off!! Great Job Zach!

Being Respectful, Responsible, Dedicated and Displaying School Pride Pays Off at the CNE MS PBIS Store

CNE Middle School Track and Field begins on Monday, March 1st!
Athletes interested will need a current physical and all Final Forms completed!

6th Grade Positive Office Referrals!!

CNE Middle School Picture Date Change!-The day is now 3/15 7:30-9:30... Save the Date!!!! CNE MS Spring Picture Order
Click the link to learn more!

This is a message from CNE Middle School
02/25/21 This Thursday is Teacher Vaccination Day / Remote Learning Day
Please see the link below to learn more.

Date Change for Picture Day...
Save the Date!!!!
CNE MS Spring Picture Order

Character Trait of the Week: Humor

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CNE MS Spring Picture Order

There has been a change in date to UC's CCP Night - it is on 02/25/21 at 6pm. You MUST register at the following link. Once registration is complete, you will be emailed the link to join which you should use at the time of the presentation. https://www.uc.edu/aas/ccp.htm

Important Information!!!

Important Information!!!

7-12 students interested in playing a spring sport may find more information below. You must have an active physical and be green on Final Forms before the official start date.

Important Information!!!

Attention Please!!!

Character Trait of the Week: Curiosity

Important Information!!!

Attention Please!!!