Congrats Rockets!!!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Character Trait of the Week
almost 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Character Trait of the Week
Thursday February 13 Coaches Pat and Marcia Rexroat will be setting up a table during lunch to meet and answer any questions for those interested in running MS Track. Don’t forget, you may sign up and be “green” on Final Forms.
almost 5 years ago, CNE Athletics
Positive Office Referrals
almost 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Positive Office Referrals
Positive Office Referrals
almost 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Positive Office Referrals
Character Trait of the Week
almost 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Character Trait of the Week
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
6th Grade Social Studies Class
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
8th Grade Writers
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Sending a Message
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Today wraps up the regular season for middle school boys and girls basketball. MS Boys are at home vs. Clinton Massie, and MS Girls are at Clinton Massie. 7th grade games start at 430pm with 8th grade to follow 10 minutes after.
almost 5 years ago, CNE Athletics
Any 7-12 graders who are interested in a spring sport may begin signing up on Final Forms. Please view the following document for coaches and sport specific information!
almost 5 years ago, CNE Athletics
Students must be picked up by 3 PM
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
So Proud of our Rockets!!!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
SORRY Bella!!! Thank you Mr. Steve Blake!!!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Well done Rockets!!!
almost 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Character Trait of the Week
almost 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Character Trait of the Week