Just another positive office referral!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Way to go rockets!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Students of the Month
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Students of the Month!
Wheel of Cheer
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Wheel of Cheer
Wheel of Cheer!
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Wheel of Cheer!
Positive Office Referral!!!!
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Positive Office Referral!!!!
Positive Office Referral!!!!
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Positive Office Referral!!!!
Keep up the great work!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Character Trait version 2.0
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Character Trait version 2.0
Character Trait of the Week
about 5 years ago, Chuck Boothby
Character Trait of the Week
Congrats!!! Keep up the hard work!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
CNE MS Show Your SPIRIT!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
MS Fall Dance 2019
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Thank you for staying and supporting our kids!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
So Much Fun!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
CNE MS Dance 2019
Halloween Dance 2019
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
Scary Door Contest 2019
about 5 years ago, Laura Nazzarine
MS Girls Basketball Conditioning/Open gym will be on October 23 and 24th from 6pm-730pm. Tryouts will start October 28th 5pm-630PM for 7th grade and 6pm-730pm for 8th grade. You must have an active physical and be signed up on Final Forms to tryout! Vanover_M@cneschools.org
about 5 years ago, CNE Athletics