Tuesday Student Highlight-Boone B.
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
September Rocketeers-third grade
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
The 19th annual Harvest for Hunger will run from October 1-24. Donations can be dropped off at CNE Elementary or brought to school by students. The class that collects the largest amount of the requested items will win a prize!
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
harvest for hunger
Sherman is hungry! Feed him your candy donations for the Trunk or Treat on October 24!
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Congratulations to Lola D., today's student highlight!
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
September Rocketeers-kindergarten
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Weekly Update: September 30-October 4
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
weekly update
Have you registered for the Ready Rockets event on October 10?
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
ready rockets
Love Trunk or Treat and want to set up a car to pass out candy? Help PTO plan ahead by signing up now! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA5AD2AA3F8C52-51589011-trunk
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Trunk or Treat
Third grade August Rocketeers
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
August-third grade
Wrestling sign ups happening now
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
PTO needs your help to make the Trunk or Treat the best yet! Sign up to support our student activities: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA5AD2AA3F8C52-51694882-trunk
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Trunk or Treat
CNE Elementary Fundraiser begins today and runs through October 10. Fundraiser packets are coming home with students today.
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
cookie dough
Today's Student Highlight-Kindergartner Brody!
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Rocket Pride Day is Friday, September 27. Show your Rocket pride in blue & gold!
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Rocket Pride Day
Camo Day is Thursday, September 26. Wear your favorite school appropriate hunting attire, or show your military support in your best camo.
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
camo day
Student Highlight-Victoria Metz
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
Wednesday, September 25 is PJ Day
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
PJ day
Now accepting reservations for the October Ready Rockets event.
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
literacy night
Student Highlight-Girl Scout Troup 4537
6 months ago, CNE Elementary School
girl scouts