Dress like a farmer on September 24!

Today's Student Highlight-Huxley Padgett!

Weekly Update: September 23-27
It's Spirit Week!

Monday is Team Jersey Day! Who is your favorite sports team?

Student Highlight-9/20

Budding investigators practice media observations.

Today's Student Highlight-Mrs. Putnam's class

Picture Day is tomorrow!

The Math Quest Festival is free for 3rd-6th graders! See the flyer for details!

Weekly Update: Sept. 16-20

Save the Date-Fall Literacy Night October 10 6-7:30

Picture Day is next week!

Weekly Update: Sept. 9-13

Marine and CNE High School teacher, Steve Thompson, shared his military knowledge with fourth graders to help them understand the meaning of honor flights for those who have served our country.

Music with Mrs. Thompson looks like fun!

Congratulations to the Kindergarten Rocketeers!

CNE Schools are closed on September 2 in honor of Labor Day. Enjoy your day!

Weekly Update

August recess fun!

Turtles are the BEST listeners, especially to first graders learning to read.