Mrs. Bronner's fourth grade group of doctors performed "vowel surgery". They were successful in treating all the patients.

What a fantastic night at CNE curriculum night! We had over 500 people that came and enjoyed literacy and math activities. Thanks for all your support!! Go rockets!

Parents and students are lined up to have a great time for the literacy and math night at CNE

Join us for fun, food, and academic games tomorrow from 6:00-7:30! Kona Ice will be available for purchase too! We can’t wait to see you there!

Curriculum Night on Thursday

Wear Blue on Monday

Some more pictures from tonight's Ready Rockets activity.

Had a fantastic time working with our Kindergarten Ready Rockets tonight. Thanks to all the parents and children that came out tonight.

Take 2, Homecoming Spirit Week

Pajama Day! Homecoming Spirit Week

Positive Office Referrals!

Ready, Set, Fund is underway. Don’t forget about the bonus and get 2, 12 month supporters to pledge $10.00 per month BEFORE TOMORROW so your child can earn the entire Aqua Coop collectible keychains set. Visit www.readysetfund.com/CNEPTO to get started! More info coming home tomorrow!

Harvest for Hunger

The positive office referrals are rolling in this week! Go Rockets!

Look at these amazing Rockets! All recognized with positive office referrals today!

Way to go! Positive office referral and a great call home to brag!

Our first Rocketeer Assembly is Friday! Wear blue and gold!

Check out our new entry!

Way to go Cohen!

Another Rocket earned a positive office referral!