Clockwise from top left: Gracie Minton, Lauren Gilstrap, Melanie Moorhouse, Kylie Hoerth
Gracie Minton
Senior Isaac Bosley
Summer Food Service Program Survey
Kindergarten Registration Open
Parent and Caregiver Resources
Clermont Northeastern senior wrestler David Pride with head coach Scott Wells (second from left) and assistants Ben Waldman, left, and Taylor Shinkle, right.
Clermont Northeastern Leo Club members clean used pill bottles to later donate to Matthew 25: Ministries. Clockwisw from foreground: Valerie Curran (senior), Kylie Hoerth, senior, club president) and Stone McDowell (junior).
Social Emotional Supports
Remote Learning Family Survey
Clermont Northeastern District Update
April Board Meeting
The Rocket Reading Room contains links to sites where PreK-12 students and their families can enjoy digital & audio books, resources for research, and information about how to get eCards from our public libraries.