Kindergarten Registration Open

Clermont Northeastern is planning ahead for next school year! We are excited to welcome new Rockets into our community. Kindergarten registration is open and will continue even with the school being closed. The process will be different than in years past. It can be completed in 3 easy steps!

1.) Head to to complete the online enrollment before contacting anyone from the school.

2.) Email our registrar with questions or to schedule an appointment. Once you have an appointment please gather all of the required documents; students official (w/raised seal) birth certificate, proof of residency (deed, lease or currently dated utility bill which shows physical address), custody papers (if applicable), immunization record, photo ID of parent (driver's license or State ID card). All documents must be present in order to complete enrollment. 

3.) When you arrive on campus for the appointment park in the front of the Middle School building 2792 US Hwy 50 Batavia, Ohio. Please remain in your vehicle and call Joyce Keough (513)625-1211 ext. 371. She will come out to your vehicle and complete enrollment. 

Please click the image below to be taken to the CNE Schools enrollment page.

Registration graphic