Summer Food Service Program Survey


Please take a moment to complete our summer food service program survey. It is important for our food service department to get an accurate count of interested parties and logistics needed to maximize the programs reach.

The Summer Food Service Program provides sponsoring agencies reimbursement for nutritious meals and snacks at sites that meet eligibility requirements when school is not in session. In Ohio, child nutrition programs are administered by the Ohio Department of Education.

Under normal circumstances, the  Summer Food Service Program is designed for anyone under the age of 18  to stop into the building and eat breakfast and  lunch during a set time each day. This year the program will operate under a grab and go style program 1 day a week. It is open up to anyone under the age of 18. The program will provide breakfast and lunch for 5 days a week. The goal is to help families stretch food dollars farther over the summer months.

Please fill out ONLY 1 survey per household. We need to get an accurate count of families interested in the program in order to determine if this program will have a positive impact on our community over the summer.

Please click on the image below to open the survey

Survey link