If you have any questions or comments please use the email address below and we will direct it to the appropriate parties. Please add who you would like to address in the subject line of the email.

Important Dates
@High School Commons
Update from MSA on potential costs
updated Facility report
@ High School Commons
MSA Design option presentations
2/27/23 6:30 pm
@ High School Commons
Architecture firm presentations.
@ High School Commons
Master Facilities Plan Update
Click image above to view presentation
We will have our first meeting on March 21st at 5:30 pm in the HS Commons. Our meeting will happen before the Board Of Education meeting. We will spend time discussing the architectural firms from the presentations. We will also develop a clearer vision for the committee work if time allows. I am excited to have the opportunity to meet and spend time looking into this process with all of you. I want to make sure that everyone understands we will be working through 4 phases to develop a Master Facilities Plan as the end product. There is no pressure if you are unable to attend. We look forward to seeing you at meetings as your schedule allows.
Phase 1 - Assessment
Prioritize assessments at the Elementary.
Campus-wide facility assessment.
Completion of enrollment projections.
Staff, family, and community input.
Phase 2 - Review
Review assessment data.
Analyze enrollment projections.
Look for trends from staff, family, and community input.
Phase 3 - Decisions
Determine the cost to address liabilities that exist.
Develop a prioritization of the "needs."
Understand and develop a list of "wants."
Phase 4 - Plan Development
Develop a conservative plan to address our liabilities and needs.
Develop a plan to determine if creative opportunities(grants/partnerships) exist to cover the cost to bring an item on the "wants" list into reality.

Master Facilities Planning
We would like to thank everyone who showed interest in the presentations from both architecture firms on Monday 2/27 in the Commons at the High School. We had approximately 30 people in attendance and others tuning in online. This is the beginning stage for us to discover, analyze, and prioritize the needs of the facilities throughout the district. The initial focus will be on improving the student experience at the elementary school, but we need to understand all of the needs in the district in order to be adequately prepared.
The information provided by both firms last night will help narrow in on selecting a candidate to provide services for the district. Click on any of the images below to learn more about each of the architecture firms.
If anyone would like to ask questions regarding the process please use the email address futureplanning@cneschools.org

Contact Information

During the December Board of Education meeting, the Board of Education requested that an architecture firm conduct a space utilization audit at the elementary school in lieu of moving the 5th grade to the middle school. The Board of Education also approved beginning a master facilities planning process in order to better understand the needs of the building on campus.
While the district is still in the early stages of the process we will work to provide ample opportunities to the community to be engaged and informed.
Our master facilities process is important to find solutions to improve the learning experience for our teachers and students now, and in the years to come. Our focus must be on providing a safe, supportive and healthy learning experience for our students.
Clermont Northeastern will focus on utilizing 3 main components of the process.
1.) The board of education is a vital part of the process. They will be a driving force in developing the best student experience possible. The board of education will be provided key information from the master facilities task force and the community to help inform decision-making throughout the process. The board will be the main decision-makers throughout the process. Major decisions will be made by the board during scheduled board meetings as needed.
2.) A Facilities Planning Committee will be comprised of key community stakeholders and stakeholders within the school to provide recommendations to the board of education. The Facilities Planning Committee is a group that will be key to providing recommendations to our board of education based on the information from the selected architectural firm and industry experts.
3.) Our community is a valuable part of the process. We will have multiple opportunities throughout the process to hear from community members and families in the district. Our goal is to not have any predetermined outcomes and let the process lead the district to the best possible product for our students.