President- Dave Pennington
Vice President-Volunteer Needed
Secretary- Volunteer Needed
Treasurer- Megan Yeager
Trustee- Volunteer Needed
Meeting Dates for Next year
Booster meetings will be on the 3rd Monday of the month at 630pm at the HS.
CNE Banner Sponsorship Form 2021-2022
The CNE Athletic Boosters is always looking for new volunteers and extra support each year. If you or someone you know would like to get involved with the CNE Athletic boosters please have them contact Boosters President Dave Pennington at the4pennies@yahoo.com or any Boosters member.
Important Future Dates:
Pumpkin Run Car Show(Clermont County Fairgrounds): September 30th, October 1st, and 2nd. Please email athleticboosters@cneschools.org to help with volunteering
Rocket-Rama(Norlyn Manor): Winter 2024!
Thank you for all that attended Rocket-Rama this year! We will be back again next year.
Thank you all for your continued support of the Boosters and CNE Athletics. For more information on Boosters or RocketRama please email athleticboosters@cneschools.org
CNE Athletic Boosters