Phone 513-981-4170
7:30-4:00 pm
Erin Stacy-Hamilton Nurse Practitioner
**Hello Clermont Northeastern Staff, Students, and Community!**
I'm Erin, and I'm excited to join the team as your Nurse Practitioner at Clermont Northeastern’s Mercy Health Center. With over 20 years of experience in healthcare, I'm passionate about promoting wellness and supporting students and the community in achieving their best health.
On a personal note, I have a wonderful family that keeps me busy and inspired. My husband and I have been married for 22 years, and we have three amazing sons, aged 21, 15, and 7. Our household is lively with two horses, a Saint Bernard named Gracie, chickens, and two lizards. When I'm not in the clinic I love to travel, read, and immerse myself in nature.
I'm here to listen, help, and make sure you feel your best.
Dianna Little- RMA
I’m Dianna (Di). I have been with Mercy for almost 19 years, specifically at CNE since the opening of the School Based Health Center.
On a personal note, I have seven beautiful grandchildren that I adore. I have been married for twenty-four years and we enjoy spoiling our Grandchildren. I have two children that are married, and they all live down south.
When I am not working, I love to spend time with my ducks and my Great Dane. I am always trying to find new recipes and I love to bake. When my hands let me, I love to make paper flowers to give to my friends. They last forever!
My two children graduated from CNE! Go Rockets! Stop by at any time to say hello. We look forward tomany healthy years.
If your student is in need of a work physical and has not had a Well Child Check (WCC) in the last 12 months, we can complete the physical at the clinic. Most insurance plans cover annual physicals at 100%, though you should call your insurance company in advance to verify. After the full annual physical is finished we will complete the work physical release.
If your child has already had an annual Well Child Check (WCC) with another provider and you only want a work physical, these can be completed for a fee of $36.
Sports physical forms click HERE. Download and print form and bring to the appointment.
walk-ins welcome
Phone 513-981-4170
7:30-4:00 pm